Sunday, September 27, 2020

Be Selfish

One of the greatest challenges in lyf is being yourself in a world that's trying to make you like everyone else.The hard thing is, you try to help them but still you're the bad one.It is during the worst times of your lyf that u will get to see the true colours of the people who say they care for u. Take tym to is , too short a day to be selfish. Be careful who u shares your weakness with . some people can't wait for the opportunity to use them against u. Learn to carry yourself on your own back. people will drop u quicker than they picked u up. sometimes u have to be selfish & just make yourself happy😊. By all means be selfish : the right way , wish yourself well , labour at what is gud for u. destroy all that stands between u & happiness .be all;love all;be happy;make happy.sometimes u don't realize u are actually drowning when u try to be everyone else anchor. I used to think that being selfish was bad, but sometimes u care so much for others that u forget about yourself.Make yourself a priority once in a while , it's not selfish it's necessary.Have some ego bcoz people with no ego will be treated merely like fools.If u have the power to make someone happy today , do it . the world needs more of them. u either get better or u get bitter . it's simple. u either take what has been dealt to u & allow it to make u a better person or u allow it  to tear u down . the choice doesn't belongs to fate , it belongs to u. loving yourself doesn't mean being self absorbed or disregarding others rather than it means welcoming yourself as the most common guest in your own heart, a guest worthy of respect , a lovable companion. plz do yourself a favour. don't lower your standards to fit in. don't shrink who u are to make others comfortable. do find and surround yourself with the people who like u just the way u are & encourage u to keep remember that one day u will stand up for yourself & raise the standard of your lyf, that one day u will say to yourself -"enough with this bullshit ".U might as well make today that day.😊 



At 28 September 2020 at 02:12 , Blogger Divya jain said...

NYC one..

At 3 October 2020 at 03:05 , Blogger Lovleen Jain said...


At 19 October 2020 at 02:48 , Blogger Unknown said...


At 19 October 2020 at 02:48 , Blogger Unknown said...



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