Friday, November 20, 2020

Endeavor Hard To Become Self Sufficient

The greatest thing in the world 🌍is to know how to belong to oneself. The best day⛅ of your life is the one  you which decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses . Noone to lean on, rely on, or blame. you alone are responsible for the quality of it. Increase Your Self-Esteem. Sometimes becoming more self-sufficient means you need to look deep inside yourself. we must learn to be more assertive. But seriously I don't know why in today's world people are not satisfied with whatever they have ? why they are not making themselves self sufficient ?  
The explaination for this is the unwanted expectations of people. As their consumption is limitless. They are running⛹️ after wrong things, and are having unnecessarily expectations from lífe. even though, they have enough but still they demand more and more. Their consumptions and expectations never ends. Being a work in progress is a wonderful thing. it means that you are never finished.which means that you always have the chance to improve yourself and become something and someone better than who you are already. one should memorialize that life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises. Ask yourself what is really important and then have the courage to build your home 🏠and life around that answer. we must determined to take advantage of  change, making the most of opportunities it presents. I'm looking forward to being, old to be able to accept what I am and become Self Sufficient. The greatest thing in this world is to know how to be self sufficient. I have always been better of caring for others then I have been at caring for myself but in these later years, I have made progress.Don't be disappointed if people  refuse to help you. Remember the words📃 of Einsteine," I'm thankful to all those who said 'No'. because of them, I did it myself." I don't expect you to agree with everything I say but I do expect you to know  that i  have my own view of things.  I don't depend upon on anyone to feed me. when I needed I am capable  of attaining even happiness😊 is something I can get on my own.  The art🎨 of being happy is to be satisfied with what you have. Satisfied life is better than successful life. Because our success is measured📏 by others, but our satisfaction is measured by our own soul💗, mind🧠 and heart.♥️ Today,  I'm self sufficient and that makes me unbeatable.☺️



At 20 November 2020 at 09:45 , Blogger Unknown said...


At 20 November 2020 at 21:58 , Blogger Unknown said...


At 23 November 2020 at 18:05 , Blogger Kanchan Singh said...


At 6 December 2020 at 05:46 , Blogger CONTEMPLATIVE THINKING said...


At 6 December 2020 at 05:48 , Blogger CONTEMPLATIVE THINKING said...

true words

At 6 December 2020 at 05:49 , Blogger CONTEMPLATIVE THINKING said...

true wordsgrt👍🏻


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